This month’s intelligence includes Cognos releases and new self-service options for IBM.
IBM Cognos Analytics – What’s coming in the next release
Cognos Analytics 11.0.4 is scheduled for release now. Relevant enhancements include: top/bottom value highlighting in dashboards, Javascript in interactive view when creating reports, undo/redo, and storytelling (create personal visualizations and pin dashboards to repost). Use data sets to access info from Framework Manager packages and add Powercubes into dashboards. See full list of new capabilities of Cognos Analytics 11.0.4:
Inexpensive management reporting add-on available to IBM Cognos Express customers
Existing IBM Cognos Express customers can tackle their internal management reporting and disclosure management pain points with greater control and confidence by simply adding CDM Express for under $5,000 CDN. CDM Express can be purchased when acquiring IBM Cognos Express by adding a few users to the initial solution size.
What's New in Rocket Discover 1.6
Rocket Discover’s new capabilities enable business users to make more effective decisions with TM1 data. Key features include ability to create custom views by slicing, dicing and storing within Discover, create ad-hoc calculations, execute Turbointegrator processes, leverage subsets, aliases, attributes and picklists. End to end integration now available with IBM Connections, and connects to IBM iSeries using the System i Access ODBC Driver.
3 Ways to Streamline your Compensation Management Reporting
The number one priority with incentive compensation management (ICM) is accurate and timely commissions payment. A strong reporting strategy should be tied to this process, which can make a significant difference in terms of building employee trust and in increasing productivity. Our latest blog demonstrates three steps that can be taken right away to improve ICM reporting outcomes.
NewIntelligence is pleased to announce their sponsorship of the Atwater Library & Computer Centre’s 2016 Benefit Event, being held on Wednesday, November 2nd in the Atwater Library’s Heritage Building. To get more info on this event, on sponsorship opportunities or to purchase tickets:
Google rates NewIntelligence’s blog on the Top 12 Reasons to upgrade to Cognos Analytics (a.k.a Cognos 11) number 1!
Our blog entry on the new release of Cognos (released December 2015) is the top rated blog on this topic on Google.
To get more information on migrating from your current Cognos version to Cognos Analytics, contact NewIntelligence to consult with one of our experts.
Upcoming Events
Oct 23-27
IBM World of Watson 2016 (formerly ”Insight”)
Mandalay Bay Convention Center & T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas
Join us at the World of Watson 2016 (formerly “Insight”) to demo latest IBM solutions, network with peers and experts, gain valuable skills from hands-on labs, and attend breakout sessions-equipping you with knowledge you need to become a leader in this new cognitive era.